Late. S. Karnail Singh Brar
Founder Chairman
Wordsworth has rightly said “Child is the father of man”. I strongly believe that children are our valuable resources and should be brought up in a manner that benefits mankind the most. To build a strong nation and a progressive society the foundation has to be laid right from the early childhood.
St. Soldier International School is one such institution whose aim is to produce ideal human beings who are cultured, wise, tolerant and public spirited. I feel that the school should be a place where the child is secure and happy, where he loves to come everyday. Keeping in mind that harsh words bruise the heart of a child, in this school children are taught in a loving and caring manner. We do our best to teach that honour and respect must be earned, not demanded. If you show kindness, you will reap a crop of friends.
With the commencement of the new session, I wish to take a step further in producing persons who give all of themselves not only to our motherland but the entire humanity. Success is only a journey, not a destination and I want students to remember that it can be achieved only through positive thoughts and hard work.
I hope and pray that you fulfill all your dreams and your name be written in golden letters not only in the history of St. Soldier International School but elsewhere too. May the grace of the Almighty be bestowed on you. Wishing you all the best in your ventures and adventures.

S. Karandeep Singh Brar
Vision is the ability to discern the end before embarking on any venture and St. Soldier stands tall and proud today as our vision is being realized through meticulous planning and execution.
Our aim is to help children realize their dreams and concretize their ideas. For this, our school provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and a congenial environment which enables the all round development of the child. It has been our endeavour to nurture, nourish and help the future of tomorrow and our achievements of the past few years stand testimony to it.
Today is the time of challenges as well as opportunities. Therefore, it is our effort to impart a well organized and planned education which will prepare the child to encounter life intelligently. Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts. Our education is directed towards inculcating a scientific temper in the young and at promoting good citizenship alongwith cosmopolitism.
Education today is incomplete without computer literacy and we take pride in being the pioneers of blending Information Technology with Academics.
As the Director of the school, I intend to relentlessly strive so as to actualize my dream for the school and help it reach the pinnacle of glory.

Ms. Vinender Tiwana
Education encompasses for more than knowledge gleaned from books. In the present scenario, every child is taught to know what everybody else knows and goaded to have the same angle of vision. We need to move beyond the frontiers of explicit knowledge in order to develop in our students a positive self esteem, the ability to discern right from wrong and step into the future with courage and conviction.
Our aim should be to develop qualities of integrity, honesty, truth, tolerance and compassion, to promote a spirit of enquiry and to foster a scientific temper within the parameters of humanism. In today’s bewildering criss-cross of modern concepts and trends, children should be made to emerge as wholesome individuals, positively receptive to change without forgetting their roots. This approach will help the student to become a meaningful part of the environment and befitting human resource for the nation.
Much can be done to make learning more joyful and productive with the help of resourceful and innovative teachers. What we need is a missionary zeal that impels us to make a difference.